I must thank my darling W@i for bringing this book all the way, across the seas to allow me the privilege to read this book - A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. I tried looking for this book after seeing it being recommended on the Oprah Winfrey's Show but couldnt find it and ironically, as I finished reading the damned book, I found it in MPH Subang Parade * pengsan *
This book received a very, very high recommendation from the show and people gave so many testimonials telling others how fantastic this book is. It triggered the curious cat in me to hunt the book down to see what everyone is gushing about. Thanks W@i for delivering it to my hands and saved me from more hunting trips... * :P *
Oh well.
I can say that it is a very good read. Very refreshingly different style from most memoir books in the stores. Very raw and realistic sentences that seemed more human * :p * Ya, wat... Usually those memoirs we read have painstakingly well structured sentences and perfect grammar, but James Frey potrayed his journey against addiction in the rehabilitation clinic in the most direct and common language. Very down to earth.
I didnt find it so 'unputdownable' like some of the testimonials given though I do admit it is one damn good read! James Frey gives very detailed information to his story that enable readers feel the scenes without needing to use much visualization on their own. I particularly like the part where he gave VERY detailed description of his VERY PAINFUL experience of going through the dental surgeries without anaesthetic or any form of medical aid against pain. Even though that part was confirmed by the writer himself was actually fiction, but he did one hell of a good job to describe the excruciating pain so realistically, I actually feel as if I can feel the pain and wince along the story...
Reading this book opened my views to an even broader perspective on life and especially addiction - addiction exists not only to drugs or alcohol. Some people who cant stop eating can say is addicted to food, some people is addicted to love, some people are addicted to computer games, addicted to sex and so on. Its the severity of the addition and visible harm it does to someone that qualifies the society to declare it as a "problem". Everyone actually do have an addiction or more, just a matter we realise it or not and a matter if the addiction causes very explicit harm to us or not.
This book also inspires me that for whatever addiction or difficulty or impossible missions - it is just a matter of you want to do it or not and the belief in yourself to do it and not give up. It is sad to know that most of the people who was at the Clinic with him had a relapsed and gone back into the addiction ...
Deinitely a good read, one which can disturb your heart and mind ... * heehee *
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