I walked past this the other day and squealed in delight :

Its RoundFace! He is a half stray half pet of my Malay Neighbour. He is free to roam on his own and they will feed him when he goes to their place. The time when I was still using my Old Toyota car, I used to park it at the junction at the end of my street as there is not eought parking area at my house. Most of the time I came home late at night, I can see RoundFace lurking around the area where I parked my car. I fell in love with him because I think he is very 'yau ying'!!! How can a cat be 'yau ying'? Well, this cat has S-C-A-R-S all over his body and one very sexy scard on his forehead! Like ganster liddat! My bro commented that RoundFace is one cat who ' haang jau kong wuu ' and also thinks RoundFace very bergaya. * Yes, we are both very silly, I know *
Some more ah, he is not always spotted around here - sometimes he will come, other times only God knows where he is. He even walks with this slow prowl unlike other cats who will scatter away when human approach - he is like he has no fear and care less of the world... So, I always anticipate to see him, but he very 'lann see' wan, not always show himself * :P * Another reason why i think he so 'yau seng kak' is that a few times, when he walk past a group of cats, the cats wil make way for him and even leave their food and give it to him! Memang macam ketua gangster! * heehee *
I named him RoundFace as he has the cutest face! Somehow, the fur around his face grow in a particular manner that makes his face look ROUND! Really! As round as the full moon! He always has this look as if he is wrinkling his forehead at you. He is just so cute!

This time, I managed to catch his picture - he is sleeping so soundly! Felt so badly wanna go cubit his RoundFace! On top of that, the time this pic was taken, it was during a cloudy, cool day before the rain hits - so comfy...
Nothing much la, just wanna intro you all to my RoundFace * :P *
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