An old CNY card from yester years ...
Was wondering who was the sender and I found out that it was from SP!!! * heehee * Dated way back from the days we were in ugly turqoise pinafores and white Bata shoes ... A pleasant surprise, yet a sweet one!
Those were the days when all of us used to exchange CNY cards for friends and the excitement of selecting the right words of well wishes on a CNY card for your crush. Nowadays, it is more to a work-related necessity for us to send CNY cards to colleagues, bosses, clients etc ... All itu 'gosok-kasut' instead of really intending to wish someone well for the coming new year... Or some just dont even bother to give you one.
Yeah, we should do the environment good and send an e-card instead, but e-card pun macam takde I dapat leh... Yup, life's that miserable to me ... * :P * Me am still the orthodox bullhead who likes to send a 'tangible' card to those dear to me ... I enjoy the process of looking for the right card and personalising each card with my ugly yet unique handwriting * :P * muahahaha! *
This card I found in my drawer, though long forgotten, it stirred fuzzy feelings... I appreciates each card I received and I keep them all - hence the surprise to find this one - prolly it fallen out during the packing an unpacking period when my room undergo renovation ... And WOW! How time flew! It made me realised that it was almost 6 years since I used to hang out behind Bilik Kesihatan every morning before class starts and how we all used to sit on the floor there and chat and how each of us ( the gang ) will never fail to berkumpul there each morning ... * sigh ... *

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