As I lurve beaches, I shall dedicate one post just for Halong Bay * :) * A definitely a must go place if one happen to be in Vietnam as I think the scenery makes your travelling worth it. Something very different - in my opinion la... * heehee * I am yet to compare as I had done very lil travelling myself, but so far, I think it is good. Well, it used to be listed as one of the top beaches to go see in this world and is under recognition by UNESCO.
About 2 and a half hour drive from Hanoi, we set out at 6am! Well, in Hanoi, the sun rises at around 4 am+! So by 6am, it is already like 8-9am in Malaysia. Along the way, we saw this few interesting view I wanna share with you.

The Red River. Hanoi is also know as the city in the river ( or isit surrounded by the river? :P), it is this river-lah yang mengelilingi dan melaluinya. A spectacular view as the river is beautiful, but we didnt stop to admire la, just passed by...

This bridge was build during the French colonial and we were told that it was designed by the same architect who designed Eiffel Towel in Paris.

The place we stop for breakfast.

The restaurant has a place where they sell local snacks and goodies for tourists. On top of that, they sell medicinal wine too. Look at the snake wine!!! Got a lot of different animals, reptile steeping in wine like lizards, rats - you get the picture.

Outside the hotel, I saw this chicken ties to a flower stall. I guess its for lunch or dinner - poor hen... Viets like their food fresh - and most of them still buy live chicken home to slaughter...

The streets of the town area in Halong bay where our Hotel was located... A Very quaint street.

The beach!!! At sunset! Though the beach is not so pretty - not those white sand and blue water, but its the view la...

The beach was packed with tourists... and all seemed to be enjoying alot, with a bunch of locals main kejar-kejar!

Chairs! They are for rental, so dont go sitting on it if you are not prepared to pay! But it was syiok sitting there, sipping coconut, gazing at the sunset...

Views from the beach.....

It was hard taking this pic! I hafta squat down to capture the angle and the waves keep splashing in and I was so afraid that the camera will get wet... but really like the shot - worth my efforts! * LOL *

At Halong Bay, there are boat services to ferry you across to the iconic limestone caves and around the islands for sight seeing. Very cute ferries...

Ferries docked at the cave island, waiting for tourist to return for the cruise...

While on the ferry, I saw this interesting scenario. Marketing does not end on the land, there are smaller boats like this which will come to the ferry to sell fruits.

The spectacular view which I like a lot! Along Halong Bay, it is scattered with islands like this all over. From the beach also can see clusters of them - beautiful!

The island with the limestone caves open for tourists... Hafta panjat turun naik tangga to see it...

Lime stone caves - cooling inside and well, full of limestones of all shapes and sizes * :P *

The cruise stops at this cute lil floating place where the ferry stops which actually:

Sells seafood! They sell it in baskets like this - just choose, pay and the chef at the ferry will cook them for you to eat while you cruise... Not cheap la...

I spotted these for sale - my favorite - starfish! I didnt know they can be eaten....

At the place, I oso saw this cat TIED IN THE TOILET! Poor thing - it could be ended up as dinner - as Viets eat cat meat! Horrendous!!! Poor cat - or maybe its a pet - but unlikely as Viets mostly dislike cats as they believe cats brings bad luck... Dont care - I still lurves cats!!!

Sea-dog! This dog lives there at the sea! Cute! Hehehe.. I am sure this dog is not for food purposes as my hist said she came to this place few times adi and always see this dog there * :) *
I liked Halong Bay and do think it id a good place to go!
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