Many people are very surprised when I tell them that I have never been on an airplane before. Really! I had not been on one till this very trip. Yeah, my virgin flight * :P * Some people fly across continents as often as I drive or akready took their first flight as a toddler - but I get to do it at the age approaching 24 * sigh... * So you can tell how excited I am to finally step my pudgy feet onto a plane and how suaku I felt that day... And since I took Viet Airlines instead of budget airlines, can say I lose my "virginity" with the full flight experience! * muahahaha! * howling!!! * And also given the window seat! * :P *
Here are some pics I took to record my virgin flight * :P * for remembrance la... * hehehe *
Cute spots of clouds!
Hanoi Airport - Departure Gate
The plane-plane which sent me back to Spore!
On my trip to and fro Spore, I get to experience the ride on a luxury bus! * heehee * Syiok! Like in an airplane, they serve you food and drinks... This one, on my way home, even got small TV to keep me entertained! * LOL *
Memang fun! I am glad that I went on this trip - gained plenty of new experiences! It is time for a old gal like me to finally travel out of the country without parental supervision * :P *
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