Ok - I think this is the 2nd last entry I am gonna blog about my Viet trip. I think everyone starting to get tired of reading about my trip adi... Sorry that I could not post all the pics, if you would like to see all, just let me know, I can send you the link! * hehehe * So this is a run-through of the places I went there....
The 1st thing that hit my interest as I arrive is the building structures there. Apparently, they like their buildings narrow and tall! And they like to build them in 3-5 stories high, with no lifts! So climb you go! Another reason why Viets are so fit!

The buildings... Its is like this all over Hanoi, except the new commercial area.

All over Hanoi, you can see peddlers like this, usually old ladies. They sell fruits, food, flowers, well - almost everyting! There are also peddlers on bicycles or motorcycles loaded with goods. Be careful, they usually bug you to buy, so try not to attract their attention.

Lotus Lake (somewhere near WestLake) ! I went to eat Viet food buffet at Lotus Restaurant, which are located at the lotus lake! And the restaurant is overlooking this magnificent view! A big lake full of lotus plants! Too bad it wasnt the season of lotus flowers in bloom, which i can bet my ass would be majestic...

Went to this particular place, where they have live band music. It was great! They actually played classical guitar music and the experience is fantastic! For the first time in my life, I actually get to experience like what my mother used to tell me stories about how they used to go listen to storytellers of for shows - where they hafta bring their own stools to sit to watch the show. Here, I did it! Though I dont hafta bring a stool on my own, but we were seated on stools out in the garden as the room was full to listen to the music. Cute!

Water Puppets! Another must-go in Hanoi. You can choose to o for the English dubbed or local one. Both is the same, I heard, just the language. Really good lo, they are very skillful in handling the puppets, making them move lifelike. A thumbs up for this!

A waterfall in TamDao - whihc is something like Cameron HIghlands in Malaysia. A hill where it is all misty and has a great view when u climb to the top. Unfortunately, I had a tummy upset that day and didnt make it to the top...

See? The fog! * heehee* Everywhere here is the plantation of a vegetable called " soo-soo" which is a kind of ulam, in Malaysia. I dunno whats its called in Malaysia.

"Gua-Soo-Soo" - the fruit of the ulam, boiled and served steaming hot. Very sweet and cruncy, served with crushed kacang for dip.

The "Soo-Soo" plant - stir-fried. Very cruncy and well, fresh. Sedap! * hehehe *

And some sort of fried BIRD!

I really cant make myself to eat it, but reluctantly shew thow for the sake of my hosts. With my upset tummy that day, I tried so hard not to puke. Its not that it tasted bad, I just cant stand the thought of it....

Mountain-dog! * heehee* A dog I spotted living at the highland - what a cutie! A shy one too, and like all other dogs in Hanoi, they are shy and afraid of people - I guess they learned not to be too trusting or they'll might end up on a plate.

The Old Quarters - it constitutes of 39 streets ( if i have not mistaken - its thirty something :P). A lil like Petaling street multiplied by 30 * :P * and each street sells one kind of stuf and another street sells another kind. My shoe-crazy friends will go ballistic at the shoe street! * hehehe * Again, a place with no price tags, so haggle away and beware of the chop!

The Temple of Literature - used to be a university for princes and scholars, are now converted into a temple. They have many stone figures like these where manes of scholars over the centuries are etched onto it to honour them. They believe that if you pray sincerely and touch the tortoise head, they will bring you good luck for your studies...

The Mauseluem of Ho Chi Minh - Go see the preservation of their late president whom they respected a lot. It is interesting to see his old quarters and to learn up about his history.

West Lake. A big lake * :P *

At the West Lake, we went to this temple with pagodas of Buddha Statues. Each of the statues has different facial expression. Unique.

The Tortoise God Temple. This is the famous red bridge at the gate of it. There is a legend behind this temple and of the tortoise. Kalau mau tahu, tanya saya personally.... * :P * LAzy wanna type la * :P *

The Tortoise! Apparently, it is the preservation of an actual tortoise! Dunno la, it didnt look so real to me though....

The Museum of Ethnology - which I lurved! Very enlightening! Here, you can read up and look into the culture of Vietnamese, their history and their culture. A must go for those who enjoy learning about how people live over the past and look at the items people used to use. A place to crash-course on Vietnam and its people.

There, I saw this interesting scene. It is actually part of a series of figurines on ancient Viet tombs which are symbolic to the fertility well wishes to the younger generations and also potraying part of human life cycle. I like this shot as it appears to me - " What the F$#% are you looking at? " * LOL *
I can round up that it is quite a nice visit, really opened up my sights and deepen my insights. Overall, it gave me an invaluable experience - to feel like I am travelling against time, and see how our parents and grandparents used to live. It reminds me how lucky I am to live in a much more modern country and that I am blessed to be able to live so comfortably...
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