Being at work means (or maybe just to me) I am obliged to behave professional + serious + mature + adult + appear-intelligent-despite-I-am-so-not, hence sometimes I feel as if I got “lost” in the corporate environment. I felt as if I have transformed into this “person-at-work” and atop the work+stress, I have a dire need to remind myself that there is this “I” still in me. Its okay if you don’t get this, I am at lost sometimes * =P *
Hence, to inject something to remind me of “me” at work, I have this friend with me. To cuddle during the times I desperately feel like wanting to shout profanities at work due to annoying people and the high rising speed of work piling on my desk. (And also to ease the desire to hug that cute Him * wink * wink *)

My Hoodie-Bear can tell the weather. If it is raining outside, he will put his hood up

My colleagues beh-tahan me yet they will sometimes stop and help me adjust the hoodie according to the weather if I happen to be too "occupied" to notice the weather * heehee * And people are surprised that I am into plushies as, apparently, I look like the least likely person who are into this kinda stuff - well, they are just SO wrong! * LOL *
Well, my Hoodie-Bear just again, reinforced everyones' impression of me as the 2nd youngest person in the office * =P * I get that exception a lot, since I am the youngest (most are married or going into retirement), even my Boss and managers, forgive me and my "antics" as they all think of me as the Baby of the lot!
PQ the Baby? Sure knock your jaws to the balcony, hor? * wink *
Must remember to do like this when I start working. Appear all professional and intelligent but always reminding myself that there's still 'me' inside. haha i'm also not making much sense here.
i like the hoodie bear@!!
Good concept for the hoodie bear!
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