It strucked me at the mere hour of 2116 today that I seemed to be lacking of the enthusiasm to blog lately. Apparently I appear to others to have become less colourful in my topics to share, and my blog does not seem to receive a comment that it is "flavourful".
Oh well, a blow to my ego it might be, to learn that I am either losing my passion to blog, or just plainly not a talented writer. The truth always hurt dont they?
Maybe I should just shut the F*&% and just post pictures? Or just stop posting until I can finally have the "passion" to churn out something "flavourful"? * hmnn... *
It is not helping that I am lacking the time and energy to blog, having the piled up entries to publish. But they are all excuses to hide the fact that I am not "flavourful" in nature of my expressions.
Anyway, if I can not be flavourful, and people would like to see some color of my life (seriously, my life is totally grey with no exciting colors to mark my youth).

Therefore, enjoy my colorful nails to hide the fact that my life is colorless and my blog "flavour-less"
LOL... i like the comment from the makcik... =p
The red is ok but the black tips errr... doesnt look right fr the pic
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