Sunday, October 21, 2007

Abusive BFs

I dont get it, I dont get it, I dont get it.

What is the biggest relationship pet-peeve of yours?

Being in a relationship, of course, is not lovey-dovey, all smooth sailing. Yeah, I get that. Many people stays in a sour relationship, reluctant to let go, yes, I do understand - it all goes down to the basic human nature of either selfishness ( to reap some sort of benefits) or simply due to the fear of being single / alone. I have witnessed a many who will ditch the existing partner faster than a hot coal when a new target appears, despite hanging onto the "pelampung" all he meantime, forcing themselves to believe that they still love their partner * walaupun memang sudah tidak tapi tak nak mengaku, apabila target baru menjelang, apa lagi, terus tak cinta itu pelampung ler... *

Anyway, that is not the topic I wish to highlight today.

Of late, I seem to hear a too many people, being involved in relationships with abusive man. Yup, you heard me right.

Abusive as not in emotionally but PHYSICALLY. I have not only hear stories from others, but have immediate friends who actually suffered in such condition themselves.

Why? Why? Why? I just can not understand.

If I caught my man in bed with another woman, and he can give me a good enough reason * and tipu-tipu me until i believe him * :P * , I might still can give him another go. But if he ever lift a hand on me, G-O-O-D-B-Y-E and see you in the Police Station. It will be me suing you for violence or you suing me for attempt of murder * :P *

I seriously can just NOT understand. How can you tolerate your boyfriend who hits you? Leaves you in bruises ( and prolly blood too). I totally do not believe in love-you-that's-why-i-hit-you. F$%# the crap to someone else okay! How about ME who love-you-that's-why-I-hit-YOU? How about that? DO you feel MY love now?

Increasingly, more and more guys seems to be hyper protective of their gf. Excuse me, not those protect-her-from-danger kinda protective, but protect-her-from-other-male kinda perception.

I have even heard "kua-cheong" stories like the BF forbid GF from MSN Messenger, fearing she would chat with guys, forcing the GF to change her mobile number and the only man who can have access to that number is himself and her male family members. WTF?

What now? It surprises me to my toe that MAN actually feels so INSECURE about THEMSELVES nowadays. And that GF is not even a HOT CHICK, for gawd's sake! What? I thought it should be the FEMALES who worries that their man chases after another skirt. Apparently Dicks are much more worried of their PUSSYCAT meowing another man's pants than the other way round.

Being paranoid might be something every human ( man or woman) can not escape. But exerting force? Puh-lease! And what shocked me further is that WOMAN actually tolerates that! WTF? And the ultimate surprise, these are EDUCATED women, holding degrees and have good jobs, succumbing to abusive men? * pengsan *

What can be worst than a man leave you in bruises? AND HE IS NOT EVEN YOUR HUSBAND YET. What can happen eventually when you are his wife? Losing a limb or the occasional head concussion?

Puh-lease... Get away from these men. They do not love you the way they claim they do. Will they come to their heart to inflict pain on someone they love dearly, whom are precious to them? He can even yowl if his new watch receives scratches but he can stand to see you in pain and tears? I seriously dont buy that.

If my man lifted even a finger on me, be prepared to battle, my dear. I will not walk away from the scene of crime in tears, I will fight to my death to make sure both of us crawl out in trauma. I will not allow HIM to get away inflicting pain on me, I will ENSURE he suffers a bloodshed. I mean it, I am not joking, I will fight back all my might. I can not bear being hit, I MUST MAKE HIM IN PAIN TOO. If I go down, YOU go down with me.

Even my parents wouldnt inflict pain onto me, what does a man, who not even have any LEGAL claim on me, could do that. Hence, I just can not understand, why these woman, still be in a relationship where their BF hits them.

Yeah, they will apologise all their might, make up all they can do, but does that guarantees that he wouldnt do it again? And in many of the cases, the BF hits them repeatedly AND doesnt even treat them very nicely during the times he isnt hitting her.

So what now? What more reasons to hang onto this man?

Please, I pray to God that may him release these woman from such sufferings...

Believe me, all the woman out there, you just can NOT change a person, what more a MALE, despite how hard you try or how much you want to.

Be brave and walk away, dear, happiness is just around the corner once you step away from his hell...

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