Monday, October 15, 2007

Birthday 2007 - Part 2, Post No.8

A belated celebration with my bro, we decided to have BBQ at home, due to the long Raya weekend, and also partly cos we hafta house-sit as my parents went to HongKong. It was a good day for BBQ as it was raining, and the weather was so cool, we can barbeque with ease * heehee *

These are what we had, not much seafood though, cos my Bro not into seafood. I deliberately post these pics to temp SP! * muahahahahaha! *

Ham and Prawns... * grilling... *

Chicken Wings! Almost done! The black soy sauce makes them look dark, not burnt ok! * :P * And satay too! Cheese Sausages!

Mushrooms! Yummy! I even added mozarella cheese on it! Very sedap leh!

My Bro's hard work - he sumore pile until so nicely

This, I dedicate to SP - our all time fav - Prawns! * wink * Miss me already? * :P *

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wan those prawns in my stomach now!!!! =p LOL...